
Team 1024




Loca.Ly : Know your neighborhood. Whether it’s support for shopping for particularly vulnerable persons during COVID-19 lockdown, a lost cat, searching for a helping hand in the household: There is much that happens right around us, in the close vicinity of our neighborhood. But how to reach out, and how to get to know about it? In particular during a lockdown situation, but also in the new normal. People need fast accurate local knowledge about nearby resources. We designed local.ly as a mobile-first solution based on a proximity approach. local.ly aims to reactivate local small business and connecting them to their neighborhood. This solution will also promote local information, municipality announcements, events, support, knowledge and service sharing between neighbors.

Technologies used

Slack, Miro, inVisionStudio, Google docs, iMovie


Designing solution for real identified needs and getting positive feedback from the mentors. A company like "NextDoor" has been developping a pretty close business.


Even if they were registered, members never joined when our Group got together.Getting the right slack channel for the group.


I learned more about Switzerland and got to know of knew technology such as miro

Next steps

Attending incubator, applying for funds.Build an MVP.Test it with municipality



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